Celebrate Love Always is a not for profit organization created to raise awareness about Adaptive Running Chairs and to donate Adaptive Running Chairs to communities. Adaptive Running Chairs were developed to allow kids and adults with mobility challenges to be able to participate in running events. Celebrate Love Always is registered as a non-profit in the state of Pennsylvania.
At CLA we use terminology with “NASCAR/Formula 1” theme: the “Driver” is the individual with mobility challenge and the “Crew Chief” is the runner pushing the chair. The joy and satisfaction of both the Driver and the Crew Chief are contagious.
Celebrate Love Always started in August 2016. Mike Connelly, president of CLA lost two of his children to neuroaxonal dystrophy, a rare neurological disorder. He knows first hand the challenges children with mobility constrains face and also the joy that comes from running and racing when they are enabled to do so. After searching for a while for ways to give back to the community, specially for children with special needs, Mike had the opportunity to run a race as a Crew Chief. It was clear at that time to Mike that making these Adaptive Chairs available was the perfect way to give back.
Some organizations give Adaptive Running Chairs to a child with mobility challenges and their running parent. Unfortunately not all children with mobility challenges have parents that run and CLA decided to donate Adaptive Running Chairs to communities where the Chairs are needed and will be used. CLA is not for profit and we are awaiting for our registration as a not for profit in the state of Pennsylvania in order to apply for the 501c3 nonprofit tax exemption status. In the meantime CLA raises funds through Crowdrise or other fundraising site.